How can you conduct local digital marketing to reach Turkish students in the real world?
Levant Education conducts events and marketing campaigns in Turkey with a single theme: studying in the UK. enables our members to run year-round content marketing in Turkish, fully plugged into Turkish social media, ensuring that your news, articles, events, testimonials and stories are adding to your brand perception in Turkey.
We have the most focussed database of Turkish students interested in studying in the UK. And there’s you, coming to Turkey, with something to SHOUT! about…
Our SHOUT! package is a 2 week intensive marketing campaign that gets the word out, combining e-shots, news features, banners, Facebook posts, Tweets and a dedicated registration form for your event. The student contacts and a full report are included.
Add Facebook and Google advertising packages to drive more traffic to your profile, and therefore enquiries for you / your agent.
Sign up for year-round online marketing with event / campaign promotion:
Numbers at March 31 2013:
Average number of private visit student registrations: 15
Studybritish student database: 3,560
Facebook Fans: 4200
Filed under: Azerbaijan, Iran, Studybritish, Turkey